Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Raptor Recovery

A few years ago I found an injured hawk in my front yard. I called the police and we probably made a pretty funny sight trying to capture the little guy! The cop was going to just take the bird out in the country and leave it! Fortunately I remembered hearing about Raptor Recovery on my scanner. They pick up injured birds from anywhere in the state and nurse them back to health. When the bird can fly again it is released near where it was found. If it is too badly injured to fly it can live out its life at their site. They have an "Adopt-a-bird" program that has sent me two awesome 8 X 10 photos, the first is a Merlin Falcon, the same type that was in my yard. Her name is "Sandy." The second is a Peregrine Falcon, named "Calypso." Check out Raptor Recovery here:

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